Recently, I read this quote from "Spurgeon: Sermons on Proverbs" by Charles H. Spurgeon -
"He has asked the Spirit of God to make him acquainted with divine truth, so that he has not only read of it but he has communed with it, and now he lives upon it, eats it, drinks it, receives it into the inward parts of his soul, and retains it there as a living and incorruptible seed. Now a man who does this year after year is the kind of man who, by God's grace, will take fast-hold of instruction, and will prove a faithful witness for his Lord."
Hmmm...something to chew on. Yes, beautiful quote. Am praying to get to the point where I can fully understand and know this truth for myself. May we ask the Lord to give us such an experience as we grow more and more each day. Amen