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Do You Know God?

Is it not peculiar to ask a Christian if he knows God? So why am I asking that on this a Christian blog?

I want to present a challenge to you, and I hope that you will take it. 

One day in the very near future, all will see God in all of His glory. Those who have beheld Him by faith will soon behold Him face to face. Those who have rejected Him will be slain by the brightness of His coming, as they are unaccustomed to His glory.

Now here's the challenge: Prove God. Some of you have decided that you don't need to take God seriously. That's okay. That comes with age - choosing which concepts stay and which go. But there is a responsibility that comes with this brain sorting. You have an obligation to seriously evaluate everything that stays and everything that goes.

I will not promise you that you will accept or reject Christianity; I can only promise you that you will be able to make an informed decision. And you will certainly come to know God.

Just try it. It's only six months. It won't hurt you to see who God really is. And there is no excusing for not knowing for sure. I don't care if you grew up in church or if you're an atheist. Is it really so hard to confirm your position? Is there really too much to know about what you believe?

Try it. Prove God.

Visions of Glory: Ezekiel by Gabrielle Baker


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