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Showing posts from September, 2011

Who You Are Matters

This month, we have spoken about being Christ's letters to the world, giving His message of salvation to all. The following excerpt tells us the best and most effective way to be disciple makers. Throughout the remainder of the year, and for the rest of our lives, let us ask God let our life be a light -- you in your small corner, and I in mine. "There is an eloquence far more powerful than the eloquence of words in the quiet, consistent life of a pure, true Christian. What a man is has more influence than what he says. "The officers who were sent to Jesus came back with the report that never man spoke as He spoke. But the reason for this was that never man lived as He lived. Had His life been other than it was, He could not have spoken as He did. His words bore with them a convincing power, because they came from a heart pure and holy, full of love and sympathy, benevolence and truth . "It is our own character and experience that det...

Do the Work God Has for You

"Many are dissatisfied with their lifework. It may be that their surroundings are uncongenial; their time is occupied with commonplace work, when they think themselves capable of higher responsibilities; often their efforts seem to them to be unappreciated or fruitless; their future is uncertain. "Let us remember that while the work we have to do may not be our choice, it is to be accepted as God’s choice for us. Whether pleasing or unpleasing, we are to do the duty that lies nearest. 'Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.' Ecclesiastes 9:10 . "If the Lord desires us to bear a message to Nineveh, it will not be as pleasing to Him for us to go to Joppa or to Capernaum. He has reasons for sending us to the place toward which our feet have been directed. At that very place there may be someone in need of the help we can give. He who sent Philip to the ...

My Witnessing Pursuit

When I first began panning out the plans for PlugIn2God, I ended up with this month's topic --witnessing-- as scheduled for September. It is absolutely amazing to me how God always works things out. Back then, I was not at all thinking about my sixteenth birthday: but God was. And so, a few weeks before my birthday, He gave me a plan. I was struggling with what to do for my sixteenth birthday. While I had initially resolved to be content with a Sabbath birthday (yes, the 17th is a Sabbath), I was beginning to doubt that that was enough. I kind of wanted to do something  for my birthday; but my current social situation does not really lend itself to a party of any sort. So God inspired me to work on my Literature Evangelism honor for Pathfinders. You will see God's Providence here again. Earlier this summer, God assigned me four Pathfinder honors to work on this summer. This honor was one of them. One of the requirements...

PlugIn2God Focus of the Month: Witnessing

This month, we are talking about witnessing. 1 Corinthians 3:3 tells us that we are letters for Christ -- we help to spread His word and message of the gospel. This is a new school year, and I think it is fit to make the following resolution: that we strive to be more like Christ, and in so doing, be His witnesses. Last month, we talked about prayer and having a working relationship with God. Others will see a change in us as we continue to improve in our relationship with God. This is being a witness. You see, witnessing is not always about being in a foreign country or speaking out in your community. The best witness is the silent, but fruitful, life of a Christian. Why is that considered best? It is because anyone can do it. We all have the ability to be like Christ as long as we so will and move in His strength. If we can do simply that, taking up our cross daily, we can be a witness. The "Give A Helping Hand"...

My Birthday Project

This month, PlugIn2God is focusing on witnessing for Christ. Incidentally, I am going to be celebrating my sixteenth birthday this month. Now typically, sixteenth birthdays are huge extravaganzas that rival even the best weddings. In failing to come up with something "big" or "exciting", I decided to forget about the party. I decided to undertake a mission project for this month. Here are the details: I am asking for Bibles, copies of Steps to Christ , and monetary donations. The literature may be new or used; the only condition is that the "used" is usable and in good condition. The material will be given to one of the following organizations:  Maranatha Volunteers International ; Bibles Unbound ; or African Youth Ministries .   .  Donations will be accepted for the entire month of September. It will help me to complete my Literature Evangelism honor for Pathfinders. It will help you begin your journey as a gospel-givin...