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Showing posts from 2011

It Takes Faith

Throughout the course of this year, we have talked about a lot of different topics. But intellect is not everything; simply knowing stuff does not count. When it comes down to it, it all takes faith. You know what that is, right? Faith is believing something that is not there -- like the wind. In John 3 , Jesus gave this very same metaphor to Nicodemus. "The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit" (John 3:8, ES V). Faith requires commitment without giving hard evidence (or, in some cases, it gives hard evidence for the very opposite of what is promised). Faith requires submission, humility, and  love . It requires us to give ourselves up to the mercy of hope, and believe someone else's word -- with nothing to back it. Faith and ego really go ...

What Do I Need? -- Part 4

I have been impressed to do a series of posts on the basic necessities of twenty-first century life. Why?  Because independent living means that doing all of that stuff on our own, we need to know exactly what to consider. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Heat. All I have to say is wood cook  stove . Why? So long as my land is properly forested, I can supply my own fuel. I can prepare food (hence the name). I can warm my house. All of it. I can heat my water. I can bake. I can dehydrate my foods. Et Cetera... You don't have to believe me: but I have evidence ( Exhibit A ; Exhibit B ; Exhibit C ).  That being said, I encourage you to purchase the following instructional DVD: Getting Started with Wood Cook Stoves: A Hands-On Introduction  by Mountain Media Ministries. It is a quality investment. However, there are precautions that have to be taken when using wood and open fires. Liste...

What Do I Need? -- Part 3

I have been impressed to do a series of posts on the basic necessities of twenty-first century life. Why?  Because independent living means that doing all of that stuff on our own, we need to know exactly what to consider. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Food. Obviously in order to survive, we need food. How do we move to independent resources of nutrition?  One plant at a time... Planting . There are two main categories of planted foods: garden  foods and orchard  foods. We eat from each section, so we may as well know what they contain. The garden is where I would find my roots and veggies (sorry, the joke was just waiting to be used). Leafy greens, legumes, and ground provision can be planted in gardens. Strawberries would also thrive here, as will other botanical "fruits" that grow only upwards. Note that flowering plants (like quinoa and buckwheat, which are pseudo-cereals) would be ideal in a garden set...

What Do I Need? -- Part 2

I have been impressed to do a series of posts on the basic necessities of twenty-first century life. Why?  Because independent living means that doing all of that stuff on our own, we need to know exactly what to consider. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Water. Our bodies are made up of approximately 60-75% water. Each of our individual cells are largely water; our skin needs water; the digestive process requires water. We need water to remove wastes from our body. Water keeps our blood pressure stay at a normal rate.  Water is a necessary part of our lives. We need it for consumption, hygiene, preparation of food, and hydrotherapy treatments . So, recognizing this fact, what do we do when we choose to no longer depend on municipal water? Let us look at our options and what they entail... Well . This is the most readily understood independent water system. Perhaps your current property does utilize well-water. What is differen...

What Do I Need?

I have been impressed to do a series of posts on the basic necessities of twenty-first century life. Why?  Because independent living means that doing all of that stuff on our own, we need to know exactly what to consider. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shelter. It is readily understood that we need to have some place to live. The question is, What are the options? Your final, long-term abode (most likely, a house) will take some time to construct. You would have to decide how you are going to handle your temporary housing. Here are some options: Stay where I am. This options says that I will (a) remain in my current residence; (b) pay two housing bills; (c) have someone else build my house; (d) possibly visit sometime in between. Rent closer to the building site. Basically, I am choosing to move twice. I (a) may or may not build my own house; (b) will be able to visit the site more regularly; (c) may be able ...

Why This?

Why independent living? What is the significance? Where is the importance? Why do we need it NOW? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These are some of the same questions that I asked myself when my family first brought this up about a year ago. I was okay with the general concept of moving; but not with the idea of moving to some faraway place, with no people, and definitely no people that I knew. I will be honest: I was resentful. It was not "country living" that had me agitated -- it was "sudden change". While I generally tend to adapt to my environment, I do still hate sudden changes of plan. It was not in my plan to live so far away that I could not see my friends. It was not my plan to give up college options because they were too urbanized. This "out of the cities" business was most definitely ruining my plans! Yet, eventually, step by step, I accepted it. At first, it was with reluctance. After a while, though, I saw it as a good idea. And I con...

No, Are You REALLY Ready?

"As the time of their probation was closing, the antediluvians gave themselves up to exciting amusements and festivities. Those who possessed influence and power were bent on keeping the minds of the people engrossed with mirth and pleasure, lest any should be impressed by the last solemn warning. Do we not see the same repeated in our day? While God’s servants are giving the message that the end of all things is at hand, the world is absorbed in amusements and pleasure seeking. There is a constant round of excitement that causes indifference to God and prevents the people from being impressed by the truths which alone can save them from the coming destruction. "Young Sabbathkeepers who have yielded to the influence of the world will have to be tested and proved. The perils of the last days are upon us, and a trial is before the young which many have not anticipated. They will be brought into distressing perplexity, and the genuineness of their faith will be proved. They prof...

The Spirit of Sacrifice

"The plan of salvation was laid in a sacrifice so broad and deep and high that it is immeasurable. Christ did not send His angels to this fallen world, while He remained in heaven; but He Himself went without the camp, bearing the reproach. He became a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; Himself took our infirmities, and bore our weaknesses. And the absence of self-denial in His professed followers, God regards as a denial of the Christian name. Those who profess to be one with Christ, and indulge their selfish desires for rich and expensive clothing, furniture, and food, are Christians only in name. To be a Christian is to be Christlike. "And yet how true are the words of the apostle: 'For all seek their own, not the things which are Jesus Christ’s.' Many Christians do not have works corresponding to the name they bear. They act as if they had never heard of the plan of redemption wrought out at infinite cost. The majority aim to make a name for themselves in...

My Birthday Project -- The Results

     Last month (that being September 2011), I undertook a literature evangelism project for my sixteenth birthday. The goal was to collect Bibles, Steps to Christ  booklets, and money for such same material; this literature would be sent overseas through any ministry who was willing to accommodate. I entered the project with a fiery passion, sharing through every means I had available to me.      I must admit that I was easily discouraged. It seemed as though no one was responding. There were some who said that I was doing a good work: but they did not appear willing to aid me in that work. Only God can truly know why; I am most definitely not trying to speculate. In any case, the lack of donations of any sort really frustrated me, and I started to worry that the project would prove a failure. However, my parents encouraged me by saying that many of their associates were planning on giv...

Who You Are Matters

This month, we have spoken about being Christ's letters to the world, giving His message of salvation to all. The following excerpt tells us the best and most effective way to be disciple makers. Throughout the remainder of the year, and for the rest of our lives, let us ask God let our life be a light -- you in your small corner, and I in mine. "There is an eloquence far more powerful than the eloquence of words in the quiet, consistent life of a pure, true Christian. What a man is has more influence than what he says. "The officers who were sent to Jesus came back with the report that never man spoke as He spoke. But the reason for this was that never man lived as He lived. Had His life been other than it was, He could not have spoken as He did. His words bore with them a convincing power, because they came from a heart pure and holy, full of love and sympathy, benevolence and truth . "It is our own character and experience that det...

Do the Work God Has for You

"Many are dissatisfied with their lifework. It may be that their surroundings are uncongenial; their time is occupied with commonplace work, when they think themselves capable of higher responsibilities; often their efforts seem to them to be unappreciated or fruitless; their future is uncertain. "Let us remember that while the work we have to do may not be our choice, it is to be accepted as God’s choice for us. Whether pleasing or unpleasing, we are to do the duty that lies nearest. 'Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.' Ecclesiastes 9:10 . "If the Lord desires us to bear a message to Nineveh, it will not be as pleasing to Him for us to go to Joppa or to Capernaum. He has reasons for sending us to the place toward which our feet have been directed. At that very place there may be someone in need of the help we can give. He who sent Philip to the ...

My Witnessing Pursuit

When I first began panning out the plans for PlugIn2God, I ended up with this month's topic --witnessing-- as scheduled for September. It is absolutely amazing to me how God always works things out. Back then, I was not at all thinking about my sixteenth birthday: but God was. And so, a few weeks before my birthday, He gave me a plan. I was struggling with what to do for my sixteenth birthday. While I had initially resolved to be content with a Sabbath birthday (yes, the 17th is a Sabbath), I was beginning to doubt that that was enough. I kind of wanted to do something  for my birthday; but my current social situation does not really lend itself to a party of any sort. So God inspired me to work on my Literature Evangelism honor for Pathfinders. You will see God's Providence here again. Earlier this summer, God assigned me four Pathfinder honors to work on this summer. This honor was one of them. One of the requirements...

PlugIn2God Focus of the Month: Witnessing

This month, we are talking about witnessing. 1 Corinthians 3:3 tells us that we are letters for Christ -- we help to spread His word and message of the gospel. This is a new school year, and I think it is fit to make the following resolution: that we strive to be more like Christ, and in so doing, be His witnesses. Last month, we talked about prayer and having a working relationship with God. Others will see a change in us as we continue to improve in our relationship with God. This is being a witness. You see, witnessing is not always about being in a foreign country or speaking out in your community. The best witness is the silent, but fruitful, life of a Christian. Why is that considered best? It is because anyone can do it. We all have the ability to be like Christ as long as we so will and move in His strength. If we can do simply that, taking up our cross daily, we can be a witness. The "Give A Helping Hand"...

My Birthday Project

This month, PlugIn2God is focusing on witnessing for Christ. Incidentally, I am going to be celebrating my sixteenth birthday this month. Now typically, sixteenth birthdays are huge extravaganzas that rival even the best weddings. In failing to come up with something "big" or "exciting", I decided to forget about the party. I decided to undertake a mission project for this month. Here are the details: I am asking for Bibles, copies of Steps to Christ , and monetary donations. The literature may be new or used; the only condition is that the "used" is usable and in good condition. The material will be given to one of the following organizations:  Maranatha Volunteers International ; Bibles Unbound ; or African Youth Ministries .   .  Donations will be accepted for the entire month of September. It will help me to complete my Literature Evangelism honor for Pathfinders. It will help you begin your journey as a gospel-givin...

PlugIn2God Focus of the Month: August

This month, PlugIn2God is focusing on prayer : its relevancy, its power, and its importance. These aspects and more will be covered in an effort to revitalize God's people by prompting them to connect with Him -- not just when we want to, not just when we need Him, but every step of the way. As we look at prayer with the mindset that God wants to be our Friend, our Mentor, our Guide, we will feel more and more that prayer is not just a thing of the past, that it is not simply an emergency call system. It is conversing with God -- talking and listening -- as a friend. PS: This month provided you and others with a four-part series on prayer (enough to last one month). While at the current moment of writing the series is not yet complete, it will be definitely by the end of September. I hope that you utilize and enjoy and share this resource!

The Connection: Getting To Know Him Better

This month (August 2011) we are studying about prayer from the angle of God wanting to be our Best Friend. As with all friends, we should get to know God better; and in fact, He wishes for us to seek His face: but how do we accomplish this?           "It is our privilege to reach higher and still higher for clearer revealings of the character of God. When Moses prayed, 'I beseech Thee, show me Thy glory,' the Lord did not rebuke him, but He granted his prayer. God declared to His servant, 'I will make all My goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before thee.' Exodus 33:18, 19.           "It is sin that darkens our minds and dims our perceptions. As sin is purged from our hearts, the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ, illuminating His word and reflected from the face of nature, more and more fully will declare Him 'merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in...

Letters to God (via Glogster)

The Sky is Low, The Clouds are Mean

A Poem by Emily Dickinson The sky is low, the clouds are mean A travelling flake of snow across a barn or through a rut Debates if it will go. A narrow wind complains all day How someone treated him; Nature, like us, is sometimes caught Without her diadem.

The Connection: Your Walk With God Moment

     As young people in the 21st century, we often don't understand why it's really important to have a relationship with God. Why can't we wait till we're adults with jobs and degrees? Two possible explanations are the following: Tomorrow is not promised to us. ( Job 1:21 ) Jesus could come any day, and we have to be ready. ( Matt. 24:36-39 )      Okay, those are some good reasons; but could someone explain to me why our parents think five o'clock in the morning is a beautiful time to commune with God? I mean, let's think about this: God is never on vacation, and He never takes naps. Can we not commune with Him at a more godly hour of the day (an hour when perhaps we are more conscious)? Sure we can; have fun debating that with your parents! We can commune with God at anytime (and we should according to   1Thessalonians 5:17 ), but it is best to start our day with God. In doing this, we can have a better understanding of what God wants u...

You Are Royalty! (Conclusion)

I do not know about you but, as a child of the greatest King in the vast universe, I want to be stand out. I want to be known as somebody who is different from the rest of the society. When people see me, interact with me, I wish for them to hear the message: "I am somebody, and I am royalty; therefore, I do deserve respect."  Christ has not limited His royal blood to only a select group of people; it is available to all who wish to have it. The only guideline is to bring others into the royal family which means that we are to dress like we are royalty, we are to act like we are royalty, and we are to have the character of our King. When others see this, they will be drawn to the presence of the Royal One; and they will be  able to sing: Oh, yes, oh yes, I'm a child of the King His royal blood now flows in my veins. And I who was wretched and poor now can sing, "Praise God, praise God, I'm a child of the King!"   

You Are Royalty! (Part 2)

1 Peter 2:9 - "But you are a chosen generation,  a royal priesthood , a holy nation,  His own special people , that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light..." (emphasis added) --------------------- Conduct: How you act, how you behave, how you conduct yourself -- these all have an impact on you. You are royaltly: but can other people see that? Your actions say a lot about what you stand for. Do you remember this phrase:  “VERB—It’s What You Do!” From 2002-2006, The Centers for Disease Control and  Prevention  (CDC) held this media campaign in order to confront and lower the statistics for childhood obesity. Being geared to middle-school aged children ( approximately  ages 10-14), they showed children of similar age, race, and situation being  active . You see, it is one thing to simply  give  lectures and such on the importance of exercise and the...