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Showing posts from February, 2013

"Taste and See Smoothies" - The Showcase

Every now and again, it is good to post some vivid colors and remind the world that veggies smoothies really are great. There is a critic for every cure, as I like to say. (Disclaimer: Absolutely no guarantee is provided, by this blog or anywhere else, that supports veggie smoothies as a cure or remedy for any disease.) In any case, I just thought that I would share some of the delightful smoothies that we have made over the past few months...    

True Sacrifice

          Our lives are like a mirror: what we do reflects who we are. Our actions reveal our character. The first brothers of this earth’s history, for example, thought about obedience very differently from each other, and this is best seen in their different ways of sacrificing.           God required that each person kill a lamb upon an altar as a sacrifice for sin; for the wages (or cost) of sin is death, according to Romans 6:23. God would then accept the sacrifice as payment for the wrong that was done throughout the day. You see, God had a pattern: The lamb represented Jesus, who is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29). Jesus came to earth and lived and died because He wanted to – he wanted to save us from sin. Hebrews 12 tells us that Jesus consider it a joy to die on the cross for us. He paid for our sins: he died so that we can live. We can see that in Romans 5:11 and Isaiah 53:4.     ...

The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom

What is the fear of the Lord?  It is the beginning of wisdom. What does that look like? It looks like awe.           When we know God as it is our privilege to know Him, we will realize just how wonderful He really is. We will be unable to fathom His greatness; and as we stand in complete silence, with no words to utter, we will feel the sheer awe of the Beauty of Holiness. Let's look at Job. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~           Yet there was a missing link in Job's connection with God. Does Job know who God really is? Nope, not yet. By the time we reach chapter forty-two, he does know; but not before.            You see, Job's view of God was along the same thought process as Jonathan Edwards. God was someone to be feared, too big to mess around with -- too big to mess up with. God was -- and is -- the judge of the earth. "And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me...

"Taste and See Smoothie" - Spinach Banana Cradle

Long time no see. =) Because I have neglected this blog for so long, I decided I should treat you with something special. Green smoothie, anyone? I would argue that this smoothie is more of an introductory one: -- the flavor is pleasant and sweet, which is perfect for a child being introduced to this for the first time. The baby spinach does not assert its own flavor, so the banana is dominant. Diabetics will probably want to cut back on the amount of fruit that is in here.  The Verdict: Delightfully mild and gently sweet. Easily assimilated and digested. (To assimilate  is "to take in; to absorb and integrate".) Spinach Banana Cradle  (Makes 5 twelve-ounce glasses) 1 cup of baby spinach 1 large carrot ( at least half of a cup when chopped) 1.5 bananas (they were frozen -- they could be fresh or both) 1 small apple (about half of a cup when chopped) 1 six-ounce container of soy yogurt (we used WholeSoy's Mixed Berry Yogurt) 1/4 pumpkin ...