For my devotions last week, I read Isaiah 32. The first verse starts like this: "Behold, a king shall reign in righteousness, and princes shall reign in judgment." The chapter goes on to list all of the types of things that occur when righteousness is the key foundation: Provisions are made for hard times (v. 2) Spiritual attentiveness is maintained (v. 3) People change (v. 4) The exceeding sinfulness of sin is understood, and excuses stop being made (v. 5-7) Those who are generous ("liberal") receive generosities (v. 8) Then, a curse is pronounced upon the land: trouble and failure will exist until the Spirit is poured out . At that time, the land is returned to its fruitfulness and prosperity. Judgment -- or, the execution of justice -- the dwells in that land. The righteous people dwell in that land. What happens when righteousness dwells in that land? "The work of righteousness shall be peace : the effect of righteousness [is] quietness ...