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Showing posts from 2012

The Theme of the Bible is Jesus

"The Bible is its own expositor. Scripture is to be compared with scripture. The student should learn to view the word as a whole, and to see the relation of its parts. He should gain a knowledge of its grand central theme, of God’s original purpose for the world, of the rise of the great controversy, and of the work of redemption. He should understand the nature of the two principles that are contending for supremacy, and should learn to trace their working through the records of history and prophecy, to the great consummation. He should see how this controversy enters into every phase of human experience; how in every act of life he himself reveals the one or the other of the two antagonistic motives; and how, whether he will or not, he is even now deciding upon which side of the controversy he will be found." Taken from Education, p. 190

Veggie Smoothies - Recipe 6

This is a smoothie from a few days ago, featuring prized ingredients: I do not know very much about the health benefits of figs; but I love them! I enjoy black mission figs fresh, while I prefer Turkish figs dried. Either way, they are spectacular. I am aware that they contain substantial amounts of calcium (considering that they are fruits). Three dried mission figs provides approximately eighty milligrams (80 mg) of calcium. That's pretty good! Recipe 6 - makes 5.5 cups 2 cups of beet greens, stems, and beets 2 cups of carrots 1/2 of a lemon with some skin and all seeds 1 cup of figs Personal Take:  Pretty good smoothie. It definitely tasted like vegetables, though the figs gave a slight sweetness. The carrots impacted the color again, but it did not bother anyone. I left more of the zest this time, and you could taste it. Again, not bothersome to me or anyone else (I think). My mom did mention the thickness; I am going to have to use more water. =)

Veggie Smoothie - Recipe 5

Each day brings more and more benefits. Do it for yourself, and you will see. ;) Here is the smoothie we had today: Recipe 5 - makes 7.5 cups  (why I made so much, I am not certain...) 2.5 cups of spinach with stems 1/2 lemon with some skin 2 large  carrots (about two cups worth) 1 apple 1 cup of mango Lots of water Personal Take:  This smoothie tasted more like fruits -- it would be a great introduction to the realm of vegetable smoothies. However, I've already been introduced. Also, we have been on a nearly-no-sugar diet, so this tasted rather sweet to us (it is amazing how one's taste buds adjust). Other than that, it was a great smoothie. The color was different because there were more carrots in this batch (it is usually only one cup). I still thought that it looked pretty though. This required more blending (hence the suggestion for "lots of water"). I was able to manage though, because  I used part frozen mango; and that kept the smoo...

Veggie Smoothie - Recipe 4

These smoothies are amazing! They really rejuvenate you and give you a good clean out. Just make sure to drink lots  of water throughout the day -- at least five cup for children, and at least eight to nine for adults. Recipe 4 - makes 6 cups 1 1/2 cups of turnip greens / stems 1 1/2 cups of spinach  / stems 1 cup of purple carrots 1 avocado 1 banana 1/2 lemon, with some skin 1/4 cup of leftover cereal about 4-5 cups of water (whatever it takes to blend it smoothly) Personal Take: Pretty good. Turnip greens are pretty strong, but their taste was in the background. I think that it is the avocado that neutralizes it. The taste was mild -- it did not pull in any particular direction. It was thick, but not of a consistency that would choke you. =) I should have blended it a little  longer, but it was relatively smooth. My favorite part was the green color! It is just a beautiful shade of green. It definitely looks appetizing.

Veggie Smoothies - Recipes 2 and 3

Note: This post was written 26 September 2012. With each day comes another smoothie. I almost did not make one this morning, due to time constraints; but we forged ahead anyway. =) This week, we are working on eating out the beet greens; so that is why they come up so often (besides, it's only the third recipe). Recipe 2 - makes  6 cups (Yes, I am now saying the amount rather than the servings.) 4 cups of chopped beet greens, with their stems 1 cup of raw beets, chopped, and with their skin 1 cup of chopped purple carrots 1 avocado 1 mango, peeled, and pitted 1/2 lemon, partially peeled (keep the seeds, though) 4-5 cups of water Blend for at least  two minutes -- three is probably better. Don't let the smoothie get hot! Heat will kill the nutrients. If you feel it getting warm, and you still need to blend, add some ice (and possibly some water). Personal Take:  If you noticed, I was a bit more specific about the water. The reason for this is the sm...

Veggie Smoothies - Recipe 1

The title sounds funny; but honestly, this is a good idea. Everyone should do it. The basic premise is this: create a smoothie that is primarily made up of fresh vegetables, add a few pieces of fruit to make it palatable, and consume for the best health. In effectiveness, juicing is the champion (pun intended). But smoothies are next in line. For my family, this begins the third week of smoothies. We have been drinking them every morning, about thirty to forty-five minutes before breakfast. I decided to share our ideas with the general public so that everyone can have the opportunity to try something new. Veggie Smoothie - Recipe 1 (makes five servings) 2 bunches of beet greens, with stems and baby beets (about 4 loose cups when chopped) 1/2 of an avocado 4 small purple carrots (about 1.5 cups chopped) 1.5 bananas 1/2 of a lemon, peeled half-way (do include seeds) Enough water to just cover the contents of the blender Blend for three to five minutes, or until smooth. D...


This quarter -- July to September, 2012 -- PlugIn2God put the focus on prophecy. "History Revealed" covers that end which has been revealed by God before it has even taken place. When John writes it, hardly any of the events of Revelation had taken place. Sure, five emperors of Rome had reigned (Revelation 17:9-11); but that is only one of the few key aspects of the book that had already occurred. Now, to us readers in the twenty-first century, many of the events have taken place; and we await very little of the conclusion of the fulfillment of the prophecy. I would, however, like to apologize. Unlike the first two quarters, the third quarter did not provide a study booklet. It did not provide supplementary material. The web page was not even updated. There were many factors that caused this. But ultimately, Satan stepped to ensure that the correct material was given. But God is faithful. "For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth enduret...

The Power of a Testimony

"And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death" (Revelation 12:11). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Everyone says that exercise is good for me. I mean me . Whenever I complain about exercising, people tell me, "Nope, you are wrong. It would do you well." It leaves me chagrined most of the time.  Today, however, I actually tried. I went and took the time to willingly take a simple walk on our hill. Do you know what the best part was? I can testify to the usefulness and value of exercise. Because I experienced it, it now has meaning for me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The principle of Christianity is the having of an experience. It is growing in grace. It is coming to a knowledge of our Lord and Savior. It is my  experience. "He that hath received his testimony hath set to his seal that God is true"   (John 3:33). Testimonies are a significant form...

The Judgment is Set.

The judgment has set, the books have been opened; How shall we stand in that great day, When every thought, and word, and action, God, the righteous Judge, shall weigh? Refrain How shall we stand in that great day? How shall we stand in that great day? Shall we be found before Him wanting? Or with our sins all washed away? The work is begun with those who are sleeping, Soon will the living here be tried, Out of the books of God’s remembrance, His decision to abide. Refrain O, how shall we stand that moment of searching, When all our sins those books reveal? When from that court, each case decided, Shall be granted no appeal? Refrain

The Great Controversy: Whose Side Are You On?

Note: The following article is appropriate for all ages, and should be read with family and friends. Before our earth was created, a war began and is still going on in our world today. This war is called   the Great Controversy . The word  controversy  (pronounced " khan -tro-verse-ee") is taken from the Latin word  controversus  (pronounced "khan-tro- were -sus")   meaning disputable or, more literally, turned against . Between whom is this controversy? It is between Jesus Christ and His enemy, the Devil. So who is turned against whom? The Devil is turned against Jesus and is opposing Him. And what exactly is being disputed? The Devil thinks that Jesus is not as powerful as He claims to be. "And the devil said unto him, If thou be the Son of God , command this stone that it be made bread" (Luke 4:3 KJV). " And the LORD said unto Satan, 'Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none...

7: The Number of Perfection

Why seven? The number is obviously important, or else God would not have employed it so often. Seven churches in Revelation; seven pairs of clean animals into the ark; seven days of Passover. Seven years for love. Seven lamps of light. Seven days for cleansing. Seven years in Hebron. Seven seals of the end time. The Creation week, too, follows the rule of seven. Notice the following verses: And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.  (G...

The Attitude of Righteousness

For my devotions last week, I read Isaiah 32. The first verse starts like this: "Behold, a king shall reign in righteousness, and princes shall reign in judgment." The chapter goes on to list all of the types of things that occur when righteousness is the key foundation: Provisions are made for hard times (v. 2) Spiritual attentiveness is maintained (v. 3) People change (v. 4) The exceeding sinfulness of sin is understood, and excuses stop being made (v. 5-7) Those who are generous ("liberal") receive generosities (v. 8) Then, a curse is pronounced upon the land: trouble and failure will exist until the Spirit is poured out . At that time, the land is returned to its fruitfulness and prosperity. Judgment -- or, the execution of justice -- the dwells in that land. The righteous people dwell in that land. What happens when righteousness dwells in that land? "The work of righteousness shall be peace : the effect of righteousness [is] quietness ...

MIX IT UP! - Granola

About one month ago, I endeavored to make granola on my own. My family loves granola so much that sometimes I wonder how many boxes we go through in a week... The two basic ingredients of this cereal -- oats and honey -- have medicinal properties. Because oats are high in fiber, you do not need a large serving to feel satisfied and stay full. Also, the fiber keeps the walls of your intestine squeaky clean, allowing your body to absorb the antioxidants (oat-unique avenanthramides ) contained in this awesome grain. In order to receive these benefits in their fullness, the grain should be cooked thoroughly for prime digestion. Accompanying this immune-booster is honey. A natural sweetener, honey is also anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and moisturizing. It generally has a glycemic index of fifty-five (55), and is even better when raw and largely unprocessed.  My son, eat honey because it is good, An...

"...And I Will Give You Rest..."

God has designed our bodies to take a break. Engaging in one activity for long periods of time without a change of pace would kill us -- sinful world or not. During the French Revolution, one of the "amendments" made was a ten-day week. In other words, the people would have their normal routine of work and studies for nine days, and then a grand celebration with feasting and drunkenness would have its commencement on the tenth day. Just think of it: nine days . Naturally, they wore out. The fact is, our bodies need a more frequent and consistent resting time. That is why we should go to sleep and wake up at the same time everyday. Our body has a clock, and it needs to be heeded. At the Creation, God instituted measurements for time -- since, until then, there was no need for time; for "the earth was without form, and void." He made day : from one sunset to next one. He made the  month : from one new moon to the next...

To The Heirs of the Kingdom of God

Heir of the kingdom, O why dost thou slumber?  Why art thou sleeping so near thy blest home?  Wake thee, arouse thee, and gird on thine armor,  Speed, for the moments are hurrying on. Heir of the kingdom, say, why dost thou linger?  How canst thou tarry in sight of the prize?  Up, and adorn thee, the Savior is coming;  Haste to receive Him descending the skies. Earth's mighty nations, in strife and commotion,  Tremble with terror, and sink in dismay;  Listen, 'tis nought but the chariot's loud rumbling;  Heir of the kingdom, no longer delay. Stay not, O stay not for earth's vain allurements!  See how its glory is passing away;  Break the strong fetters the foe hath bound o'er thee;  Heir of the kingdom, turn, turn thee away. Keep the eye single, the head upward lifted;  Watch for the glory of earth's coming King;  Lo! o'er the mountaintops light is now breaking;  He...

Pink Lemonade Popsicles!

With the heat wave passing through the Eastern United States, everyone is looking for ways to cool off. So  I came up with this homemade popsicle that is great for anytime of the day! My family is working on being careful with food combinations so that we can have prime digestion after each meal. One of the things we look out for is combining fruits with vegetables. It is alright to have citrus fruits with veggie meals (oranges, grapefruits, lemons, kumquats, etc.); but eating other fruits with vegetables can cause fermentation and prolonged digestion. This is because fruits digest rather quickly, compared to vegetables; and the broken down sugars will begin to ferment if it sits in the stomach acid for too long. Enough with the yucky A&P stuff (anatomy and physiology).  For the stated reasons, this recipe uses... BEETS! Hint to the chef: don't tell anyone until after they are done and they ...

God is Not Exclusive.

As I was doing my devotion, I came across this passage: " In that day shall five cities in the land of Egypt speak the language of Canaan, and swear to the LORD of hosts; one shall be called, The city of destruction. In that day shall there be an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to the LORD. And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the LORD of hosts in the land of Egypt: for they shall cry unto the LORD because of the oppressors, and he shall send them a saviour, and a great one, and he shall deliver them.   And the LORD shall be known to Egypt, and the Egyptians shall know the LORD in that day, and shall do sacrifice and oblation; yea, they shall vow a vow unto the LORD, and perform it. And the LORD shall smite Egypt: he shall smite and heal it: and they shall return even to the LORD, and he shall be intreated of them, and shall heal them.   In that day shall there be a highway out of Egypt to As...

That Leftover Cereal

My family has been eating a lot of hot cereals lately. Barley, oats, kamut, rye, millet, amaranth -- you name it, we had it. When you top a bowl with molasses and homemade hazelnut-maple cream, hot cereals make a delicious and nutritious breakfast! The trouble comes when there are leftovers. It is never enough for the whole family again; and no one person remembers (or wants) to eat it.  Sometimes, we use  leftovers  to make creamy grain milk for smoothies; one time, I  even  put the  leftovers  in the blender with some milk, and made pancakes! Today, I tried a new thing: cake . It actually came out really well. I took the leftover nut cream from breakfast (this time, it was almond sweetened with agave), and I added to it a dash of cardamon, a dash or so of pumpkin spice, and a few anise seeds. I also added some more  agave  for sweetness.  We no longer use a lot of cinnamon ...

Search the Scriptures: The Importance of Daniel and the Revelation

     "In the past teachers have declared Daniel and the Revelation to be sealed books, and the people have turned from them. The veil whose apparent mystery has kept many from lifting it, God’s own hand has withdrawn from these portions of His Word. The very name “Revelation” contradicts the statement that it is a sealed book. Revelation means that something of importance is revealed. The truths of this book are addressed to those living in these last days. We are standing with the veil removed in the holy place of sacred things. We are not to stand without, we are to enter; not with careless, irreverent thoughts, not with impetuous footsteps, but with reverence and godly fear. We are nearing the time when the prophecies of the book of Revelation are to be fulfilled.      "This book opens with the words, “The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto Him, to show unto His servants things which must shortly come to pass; and He sent and signified...

Health! - Water

I am starting a new series on my blog entitled "Health!". Catchy, right? This particular entry is... Water: The Fountain of Life Most people know and understand that we need water to live. We know that our bodies are made of sixty to seventy percent water. Doctors tell us to drink a minimum of eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day. Some health professionals even suggest that any  beverage counts so long as it is not high in fat. I am going to give a new spin on the subject. A multi-functional view . What if, in drinking the right amount of liquids, you could skip the colonoscopy? Or ward off that annoying cough? Or kiss flu season goodbye? What if using water was easy because you were doing it to help YOU , and not simply on "doctor's orders"? I am going to present a number of ways water can be an active member of your life and living. Squeaky Clean - Inside and Out Back...

The Power of Music - Part 2

Music is powerful.      I am not certain of how much this fact is realized by the population, but it ought to be recognized. Else we end up putting ourselves in places that we do not want to be.      Music influences behavior in ways that cannot be comprehended. The hearer begins to move almost beyond his own control or realization. My brother encounters this a lot. As soon as music with a rhythm of any sort -- whether bass guitar, bass or snare drum, or simply a synthetic beat -- his head begins to move in time. And if the music is long enough, he will soon be dancing to it (for some definition of dancing, as he has never been exposed to the true meaning). This happens with all types of music: the typical jazz, Broadway, pop, and R&B; even hymns sometimes, if there is a beat or rhythm of some sort.      It's sad, because this is true of a lot of people. I have ...

The True Meaning of the Law

     "The first four of the Ten Commandments are summed up in the one great precept, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart.” The last six are included in the other, “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” Both these commandments are an expression of the principle of love. The first cannot be kept and the second broken, nor can the second be kept while the first is broken. When God has His rightful place on the throne of the heart, the right place will be given to our neighbor. We shall love him as ourselves. And only as we love God supremely is it possible to love our neighbor impartially.      "And since all the commandments are summed up in love to God and man, it follows that not one precept can be broken without violating this principle. Thus Christ taught His hearers that the law of God is not so many separate precepts, some of which are of great importance, while others are of small importance and may with impunity be ignored. O...

The Simplicity of Witnessing

Based on Luke 8:27-34; Mark 5:15-20; John 4           "And when he went forth to land, there met him out of the city a certain man, which had devils long time, and ware no clothes, neither abode in any house, but in the tombs. When he saw Jesus, he cried out, and fell down before him, and with a loud voice said, What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God most high? I beseech thee, torment me not.            "(For he had commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man. For oftentimes it had caught him: and he was kept bound with chains and in fetters; and he brake the bands, and was driven of the devil into the wilderness.)            "And Jesus asked him, saying, What is thy name? And he said, Legion: because many devils were entered into him. And they besought him that he would not command them to go out into the deep. And there was there an herd of many swine feeding on the ...