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Showing posts from October, 2011

The Spirit of Sacrifice

"The plan of salvation was laid in a sacrifice so broad and deep and high that it is immeasurable. Christ did not send His angels to this fallen world, while He remained in heaven; but He Himself went without the camp, bearing the reproach. He became a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; Himself took our infirmities, and bore our weaknesses. And the absence of self-denial in His professed followers, God regards as a denial of the Christian name. Those who profess to be one with Christ, and indulge their selfish desires for rich and expensive clothing, furniture, and food, are Christians only in name. To be a Christian is to be Christlike. "And yet how true are the words of the apostle: 'For all seek their own, not the things which are Jesus Christ’s.' Many Christians do not have works corresponding to the name they bear. They act as if they had never heard of the plan of redemption wrought out at infinite cost. The majority aim to make a name for themselves in...

My Birthday Project -- The Results

     Last month (that being September 2011), I undertook a literature evangelism project for my sixteenth birthday. The goal was to collect Bibles, Steps to Christ  booklets, and money for such same material; this literature would be sent overseas through any ministry who was willing to accommodate. I entered the project with a fiery passion, sharing through every means I had available to me.      I must admit that I was easily discouraged. It seemed as though no one was responding. There were some who said that I was doing a good work: but they did not appear willing to aid me in that work. Only God can truly know why; I am most definitely not trying to speculate. In any case, the lack of donations of any sort really frustrated me, and I started to worry that the project would prove a failure. However, my parents encouraged me by saying that many of their associates were planning on giv...