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Showing posts from August, 2011

PlugIn2God Focus of the Month: August

This month, PlugIn2God is focusing on prayer : its relevancy, its power, and its importance. These aspects and more will be covered in an effort to revitalize God's people by prompting them to connect with Him -- not just when we want to, not just when we need Him, but every step of the way. As we look at prayer with the mindset that God wants to be our Friend, our Mentor, our Guide, we will feel more and more that prayer is not just a thing of the past, that it is not simply an emergency call system. It is conversing with God -- talking and listening -- as a friend. PS: This month provided you and others with a four-part series on prayer (enough to last one month). While at the current moment of writing the series is not yet complete, it will be definitely by the end of September. I hope that you utilize and enjoy and share this resource!

The Connection: Getting To Know Him Better

This month (August 2011) we are studying about prayer from the angle of God wanting to be our Best Friend. As with all friends, we should get to know God better; and in fact, He wishes for us to seek His face: but how do we accomplish this?           "It is our privilege to reach higher and still higher for clearer revealings of the character of God. When Moses prayed, 'I beseech Thee, show me Thy glory,' the Lord did not rebuke him, but He granted his prayer. God declared to His servant, 'I will make all My goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before thee.' Exodus 33:18, 19.           "It is sin that darkens our minds and dims our perceptions. As sin is purged from our hearts, the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ, illuminating His word and reflected from the face of nature, more and more fully will declare Him 'merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in...

Letters to God (via Glogster)