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Showing posts from June, 2011

The Sky is Low, The Clouds are Mean

A Poem by Emily Dickinson The sky is low, the clouds are mean A travelling flake of snow across a barn or through a rut Debates if it will go. A narrow wind complains all day How someone treated him; Nature, like us, is sometimes caught Without her diadem.

The Connection: Your Walk With God Moment

     As young people in the 21st century, we often don't understand why it's really important to have a relationship with God. Why can't we wait till we're adults with jobs and degrees? Two possible explanations are the following: Tomorrow is not promised to us. ( Job 1:21 ) Jesus could come any day, and we have to be ready. ( Matt. 24:36-39 )      Okay, those are some good reasons; but could someone explain to me why our parents think five o'clock in the morning is a beautiful time to commune with God? I mean, let's think about this: God is never on vacation, and He never takes naps. Can we not commune with Him at a more godly hour of the day (an hour when perhaps we are more conscious)? Sure we can; have fun debating that with your parents! We can commune with God at anytime (and we should according to   1Thessalonians 5:17 ), but it is best to start our day with God. In doing this, we can have a better understanding of what God wants u...

You Are Royalty! (Conclusion)

I do not know about you but, as a child of the greatest King in the vast universe, I want to be stand out. I want to be known as somebody who is different from the rest of the society. When people see me, interact with me, I wish for them to hear the message: "I am somebody, and I am royalty; therefore, I do deserve respect."  Christ has not limited His royal blood to only a select group of people; it is available to all who wish to have it. The only guideline is to bring others into the royal family which means that we are to dress like we are royalty, we are to act like we are royalty, and we are to have the character of our King. When others see this, they will be drawn to the presence of the Royal One; and they will be  able to sing: Oh, yes, oh yes, I'm a child of the King His royal blood now flows in my veins. And I who was wretched and poor now can sing, "Praise God, praise God, I'm a child of the King!"   

You Are Royalty! (Part 2)

1 Peter 2:9 - "But you are a chosen generation,  a royal priesthood , a holy nation,  His own special people , that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light..." (emphasis added) --------------------- Conduct: How you act, how you behave, how you conduct yourself -- these all have an impact on you. You are royaltly: but can other people see that? Your actions say a lot about what you stand for. Do you remember this phrase:  “VERB—It’s What You Do!” From 2002-2006, The Centers for Disease Control and  Prevention  (CDC) held this media campaign in order to confront and lower the statistics for childhood obesity. Being geared to middle-school aged children ( approximately  ages 10-14), they showed children of similar age, race, and situation being  active . You see, it is one thing to simply  give  lectures and such on the importance of exercise and the...

PlugIn2God Focus of the Month: June

This month, PlugIn2God is focusing on grace, peace, and forgiveness. We all need grace: for by grace are we saved through faith, and that not of ourselves; it is the gift of God (Ephesians 2:8). Throughout the course of this month, we will be reading and studying about the significance of grace and its meaning in our lives. We will look at God's forgiveness and mercy and will recognize that we need to forgive others also. We will read and see the unsurmountable peace that one obtains from grace and forgiveness  whether he is the giver or the receiver. After this month is over, I pray that we all will make a conscious effort in the strength of Christ to be seek God for grace, mercy, forgiveness, and peace; and to then go and do likewise for our fellow men.  Get the Bible reading bookmark here .